Here you’ll find channeled Angel messages, meditations, manifestation techniques and more – all to help you feel good and live your best (and happiest!) life. Topics include spirituality, meditations, wellness and everything in between.
Angel Signs That a Major Life Change Is on the Horizon
Big change ahead? Discover the Angelic signs that signal a major life shift is coming – and what you should do.
I Keep Seeing Angel Numbers But Nothing’s Happening
Keep spotting those Angel numbers but life's still telling the same old story? Here's why things may not be moving and changing like you'd like (and what to do about it!).
Unlocking Angel Messages in Music
Hearing the same song on repeat? It could be a message from your Angels. See how to turn up the volume and decode these Angel messages.
Angel Signs: The Secret Meaning of Feather Colors
Feathers popping up in unexpected places? Your Angels could be sending you a message. Discover the Angelic meaning of feather colors, plus learn what to do when you find a feather.
5 Signs Your Angels Are Protecting You
Ever feel like someone's watching your back? Spoiler: it might be your celestial squad! Check out these 5 unmistakable signs that Angels are keeping you safe. After reading this, you'll start spotting their protection everywhere.
Can You Call on the Wrong Archangel for Help?
You’re ready to call an Archangel for help. But how do you know which one to call on? Can you choose the wrong one? The good news: you can't call on the wrong Archangel. Here’s why.
Can 2 People Share the Same Guardian Angel?
Each one of us has a Guardian Angel – but can loved ones, friends and others share a Guardian Angel with us? The answer may surprise you.
Help! I Stopped Seeing Angel Numbers
Have you been seeing Angel numbers everywhere and suddenly – out of nowhere – they stop? Here’s what it means. Plus, find out what to do to get them to “restart” in your day-to-day.
Getting Angel Signs When Falling Asleep or Waking Up?
Ever receive a sign when falling asleep, waking up or zoning out while doing a mundane task? It could be a message from the Angels or a loved one who has passed. Here’s what it means and why it happens.
Seeing ALL the Angel Numbers? Here's What It Means.
Angel numbers carry special and distinct meanings to help guide you. But what it you’re seeing multiple Angel numbers within a short time? Here’s what it could mean.
What Happens to My Guardian Angel When I Die?
Our Guardian Angel is with us every step of the way. After we pass, their job is not yet done.
Can Angels Hear My Thoughts?
Do the Angels know what we’re thinking? Yep. Here’s how it works.
How to Use Your Breath to Connect with the Angels
Using the power of your breath can be an amazing way to connect with the Angels. Here’s how to do it. (Spoiler alert: it’s easy to do!)
The Toughest Angel Message I’ve Ever Received
Our Angels send us messages for our best and highest good. But that doesn’t mean that they’re always easy to hear. This particular Angel message is probably the toughest message I’ve ever received – but I needed to hear it.
8 Signs Archangel Raphael Is Visiting You
Archangel Raphael, the Angel of healing, tends to our overall physical, emotional and spiritual health. Think he’s visiting you? Raphael sends a bunch of Angel signs to make his presence known, including seeing flashes of light to hearing music to finding messages in unexpected places.
What’s the Meaning of Ears Ringing? There May Be a Spiritual Explanation.
Have ringing in the ears – and you don’t have a medical condition? There could be a spiritual connection. Angels could be using this ringing to get your attention and relay important messages to help guide you on your soul path. And their messages have very different meanings depending on if the ringing occurs in your left or right ear.
Your Definitive Guide to Angel Numbers
Seeing repeating number sequences? You're seeing them for a reason! They're one of the ways the Angels communicate with us. Think of 'em as heavenly text messages directly sent by your celestial BFFs to guide you.
Angel Dreams: Will Angels Visit While You Sleep?
Sleep is a great time to connect with Angels. Why? Because we’re more open to their messages in the sleep state. By setting an intention, starting a gratitude practice & having an open mind, anyone can invite Angels to visit them in their dreams.
Looking for Signs that Angels Are Visiting? Listen to Your Body!
Our bodies give us physical signs to let us know that Angels are near. Angels vibrate at a high frequency, creating energetic shifts around us. Our bodies may respond to these changes in the form of spiritual chills, ears ringing & more.
Angel Visits: 6 Signs that Archangel Michael Is Around You
Archangel Michael leaves signs – like scattered breadcrumbs – to let you know he’s watching over you. Want to know if he’s around you? Here are the 6 top signs to look out for.