What Happens to My Guardian Angel When I Die?


Our relationship with our Guardian Angel is a deeply personal, truly special – almost magical – experience. Our Guardian Angel is there to protect us. Love us. Guide us through life’s adventures. Through all the highs and lows. Detours and bumps. Smiles and tears. And everything in between.

But what happens to our Guardian Angel when we pass? Great question. But first, a little background.

What are Guardian Angels?

Our Guardian Angel is with us with every step – literally. From our very first breath to our very last…and then some. 

At any given time, we can have multiple Guardian Angels around us. Like the Archangels, they’ll send signs and messages to remind us of their presence. They may come in and out of our lives, as needed, to support us, be a shoulder to lean on and help with a particular problem or challenge. Their mission: to further guide us on our Divine path.  

It’s as though we’re constantly surrounded in a group hug of celestial love and support. But that’s just one part of the story. Every one of us has that main Guardian Angel who sticks around for it all. The one who walks with us throughout our entire life – and not just specific moments.

How did they come to be our Guardian Angel? Well, they know the lessons we need to learn in this lifetime. And if they can be of assistance to us on our life path – and help us navigate those life lessons – they may nominate themselves to serve as our personal Guardian Angel. Pretty cool, huh?

In a way, it’s kind of like applying for a job. If a specific Guardian Angel has the right “skillset” to help us accomplish the tasks at hand, they may get the job as our head Guardian Angel.

But what about after we pass?

What happens to our Guardian Angel? Where do they go? Remember when I mentioned that our Guardian Angel is with us for our very first breath, our last breath and beyond? There’s so, so much packed in that sentiment.

After we pass, our Guardian Angel’s job is not yet done. They help escort us as we transition from the physical, earthly world to the spiritual realm. And that’s such a beautiful, beautiful thing! 

What’s next for our Guardian Angel?

Let’s stay with the job metaphor for a moment more. From there, they can choose to take on temp assignments, serving as a “helper” Guardian Angel for others in the earthly world. Popping in and out at a moment’s notice when folks have a specific problem or challenge. 

Can we ask our Guardian Angel to check on loved ones? 

Yes, our Guardian Angel will gladly check in on friends and family after our passing. In fact, they may even choose to stick around for a spell and be that “helper” Guardian Angel for our loved ones. In that role, they may assist them through their grief or support them, as needed, in other areas of their life.

Can our Guardian Angel become someone else’s “main” Guardian Angel? 

Yep, they can choose to start the process anew with someone else coming into the earthly world. The same requirements still apply though. In order to be a match, the Guardian Angel needs to believe that they can be of service to that individual, helping with those life lessons and experiences they’ll face while guiding them on their Divine path to their best and highest good. 

With love and light,



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