Angel Dreams: Will Angels Visit While You Sleep?
At an early age, we’re taught to believe that our dreams are not real. They’re just something that happens inside our own minds. As a result, we’ve become inclined to believe that our dreams have no bearing on the lives we live when we’re awake.
But when it comes to the Divine world, this may not always be the case. In fact, Angels can visit us in our dreams. You can even call on them to come visit while you sleep. How cool is that?
In essence, dreams are the brain’s unique way of processing the information it collects. Many of the images you see while sleeping are as real as the nose on your face because you’ve already experienced them in a conscious state.
But even things we experience in our subconscious can affect our dreams. If you dream of being visited by an Angel, it could be as real as anything you’ve experienced in your awakened state.
Why Do Angels Appear in Dreams?
Angels can show up in dreams for a myriad of reasons. You may have invited Angels in so they can share insights or guidance. This is often the case when you meditate before bedtime or use crystals near your bed (or stash ‘em under your pillow) to channel Angelic energies.
Other times, Angels may appear if you’ve been dreading or agonizing over a particular decision, are experiencing extreme stress or mental fatigue, or are feeling sad or depressed.
Sleep is a great time to connect with the Angels. Most people are more receptive to getting Angel messages when they’re asleep versus when they’re awake. The reason? While you sleep, your subconscious mind is more open to receiving new information. In contrast, your conscious mind can be guilty of discarding this information too quickly, especially if it doesn’t catch your attention or seem important enough in that very moment.
Interestingly, interpreting dream messages from Angels isn’t always so simple – even though you’re more in tune to receive them. They’re not as clear or as straightforward as a well-written email or text. Instead, they’re more like an encrypted message masked in secret code that needs to be cracked.
Angel dreams can include seeing a specific symbol, significant location or vivid image thats so powerfully meaningful that you’ll likely remember it upon waking. Every dream is open to interpretation. But be assured: when you’re visited by Angels in your dreams, you will interpret their message correctly and in the way they intended.
Anyone can invite Angels into their dreams
You don’t have to wait for Angels to spontaneously pop up in your dreams. If you’re at a crossroads in life, or just need clarity and guidance to move forward, you can invite Angels into your dreams any time you like.
It’s important to remember that the Angels abide by the spiritual laws of the Universe, including the law of free will. This law states that we each get to freely choose what we want to create in our lives. The Angels will not directly interfere in our lives, that is unless we ask or if our life is in imminent danger before our time.
If you want the Angels to visit you in your dreams, you need to send ‘em an invite. You wouldn’t crash a party you weren’t invited to, would you? It’s the same for the Angels. They will not butt into your life unless you ask them to. You need to invite ‘em in if you want to receive their guidance.
So how do you get the Angels to visit you in your dreams?
A good way to begin: start a daily meditation practice right before bed. Manifest your desire to connect with an Angel. Do you have a specific Angel you would like to communicate with? Your Guardian Angel? An Archangel? You can set an intention to connect with the Angel you desire in your dream. Or you can make a more general request for the appropriate Angel to step forward to guide you.
Write down your manifestations and intentions in a dream journal or say them aloud. I’m a fan of doing both. I especially enjoy stating manifestations out loud. Why? I can feel the vibrations of the words as I speak, thus creating a positive energetic shift within myself. I can also sense Angelic energies surround me as I say the words. But do whatever you’re comfortable with – both ways work equally well!
How to set an intention
What does an intention sound like? Worried about getting it wrong? Well, good news: this isn’t a math problem. There’s no right or wrong way to set an intention.
Start by thinking about what you want help or guidance with. Let’s say you need help figuring out what career you should pursue. You may say something like:
Angels, please come to me in my dreams. Please show me what path I should take for my career. Thank you.
Or perhaps you need help communicating in your relationship. You can call on a specific Angel to guide you. This may sound like:
Archangel Gabriel, please visit me in my dreams, and show me how my husband and I can better communicate. Thank you.
Setting your intention doesn’t need to be complicated or overthought. Make it simple and from the heart, and you can’t go wrong.
Set your intention right before you head to bed. Why? Because your intention should be the last thing on your mind as you drift off to sleep. To amplify your intention, express gratitude. Think of one or two things in your life you’re grateful for. Angels are attracted to the high energetic frequencies of gratitude, and this practice will help encourage visits from your Angel while you sleep (and when you’re awake!).
Adding certain crystals to your bedroom can also help create the right energy balance for inviting Angels into your space. Celestite, selenite, angel phantom quartz and angelite are commonly set on nightstands or beneath pillows for this purpose. How do you select which crystal? Choose whatever speaks to you. If you’re drawn or pulled to a specific crystal, that’s the one for you!
Keep a notebook by your bed. When you wake from your dreams, immediately write down anything that stands out. Angel signs and messages can take some time to decipher. Any details you can capture and remember for later will be ever so helpful in understanding what your Angels are trying to tell you.
Connecting with Angels while you sleep
When you dream, you’re not in a lucid enough state to create a two-way communication with your visiting Angels. That’s why it’s important to set your intention prior to falling asleep – you’ve “mailed” your request to the Universe that you’re ready (and receptive!) to receiving Angel messages.
This can be the frustrating part for many. You crave a deep dialogue with your Angel and want to ask questions to gain understanding. But Angel messages are not always communicated as conventional “conversation.”
You see, your Angel is from the spiritual world, not the mortal world. Though they may take on some human characteristics, they’re essentially comprised of Divine energy and light, and don’t always communicate the same way as we humans do. Many times, they speak to us through imagery, symbolism and other celestial cues.
The most important thing you can do is to be open. Be open to what they reveal to you and the messages they’re sending. The Angel message delivered in your dream may not make sense at first. And that’s totally okay! Hold on to it. As you go about your week, you’ll likely receive more hints and clues from the Angels to help guide you.
Keep in mind that finding the solution to a problem isn’t always a quick destination. Sometimes it’s more of a journey. Over time, it’ll start making more sense and you’ll be able to apply what you’ve learned to your conscious life.
Making the most of your Angel visits
Many who have been visited by Angels like to keep a dream journal by their bed so they can document their “conversations” and translate them later. Writing down these ideas while they’re fresh is essential, as we often forget the majority of our dreams within minutes of waking.
Above all else, be patient as you try connecting with Angels in your dreams. You may not receive a visit on your first invitation. Don’t worry or be disappointed. It can take time to open these lines of Divine communication. With practice, you’ll get there.
Remember: if your Angels have a message to share, they can only share it when you’re ready to receive and act on the information you learn. Take comfort in knowing your Divine time will come.
Has an Angel visited you in your dreams? Let me know in the comments!
With love and light,