Here you’ll find channeled Angel messages, meditations, manifestation techniques and more – all to help you feel good and live your best (and happiest!) life. Topics include spirituality, meditations, wellness and everything in between.
Think You’re an Old Soul? Here’s How to Tell!
Old souls have traveled many paths, lived many different lives. And they’ve gathered experience and spiritual development through the sum of all their soul journeys. How do you know if you’re one? Introspection and a love for nostalgia are just 2 of the telltale signs.
Your Definitive Guide to Angel Numbers
Seeing repeating number sequences? You're seeing them for a reason! They're one of the ways the Angels communicate with us. Think of 'em as heavenly text messages directly sent by your celestial BFFs to guide you.
Angel Dreams: Will Angels Visit While You Sleep?
Sleep is a great time to connect with Angels. Why? Because we’re more open to their messages in the sleep state. By setting an intention, starting a gratitude practice & having an open mind, anyone can invite Angels to visit them in their dreams.
Looking for Signs that Angels Are Visiting? Listen to Your Body!
Our bodies give us physical signs to let us know that Angels are near. Angels vibrate at a high frequency, creating energetic shifts around us. Our bodies may respond to these changes in the form of spiritual chills, ears ringing & more.
Angel Visits: 6 Signs that Archangel Michael Is Around You
Archangel Michael leaves signs – like scattered breadcrumbs – to let you know he’s watching over you. Want to know if he’s around you? Here are the 6 top signs to look out for.
Angel Number 11:11 – What Is the Meaning of 1111?
Angel number 1111 is a very powerful message from the Divine. Use this cheat sheet to interpret its meaning and discover what the Angels are trying to tell you when you see 1111 on repeat.
Angel Message: Archangel Gabriel & the Antidote to Fear
Everyone at some point in their life has struggled with fear. But how do you push past it? Archangel Gabriel shares a very special channeled Angel message about fear and an easy way to move forward.
Angel Message: Archangel Raphael & the People You Meet (the Good & Not-So Good)
Why do certain people come into our life? Is there a higher cosmic reason? Archangel Raphael shares why in this channeled Angel message.
Good Things Come in Threes: The Hidden Meaning of Angel Number 333
Seeing 333 on repeat? The Angel number 333 holds multiple hidden meanings direct from the Angels. Find out why this powerful number keeps appearing in your life and what it means for you.
Unlock the Glorious Spiritual Meaning of Butterflies
Butterflies are magical winged messengers, bringing big-time spiritual meaning to your life. The way they look, their color – it all plays a part in their special message for you. Dig into the symbolism of butterflies, learn what they’re trying to tell you and discover the Angel-butterfly connection.
Being Visited by Angels? Here Are 14 Angel Signs that You Are!
Looking for signs that the Angels are visiting you? Angels show up in our lives when we need them most or to let us know that we’re on the right path. By learning about these 14 most common Angel signs, you’ll never have to wonder if the Angels are stopping by.
3 Things the Angels Are Telling You When You Experience Déjà Vu
Got deja vu? You’re not alone. Find out what it means, the significance in your life’s path and what messages the Angels are sending you when you experience this phenomenon.