3 Things the Angels Are Telling You When You Experience Déjà Vu

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Been there? Done that?

Yeah, me too.

One early summer afternoon, I decided I was going to learn how to make biscuits. Me…the non-baker. I hadn’t made anything other than boxed cake. And I certainly never attempted to bake any bread-y goodness before.

I dug around online and found a recipe. Buttermilk biscuits – hopefully I wouldn’t mess ‘em up too bad.

Grabbed my ingredients and off I went. But as I started mixing my ingredients, rolling out my dough – my movements became instinctive and automatic. I put the recipe aside. I’ve done this before. Many times, actually. I could feel it.

My husband joked that I must have an old southern woman in my soul.

What is déjà vu?

Déjà vu is French for "already seen." Its earliest accounts go as far back as 400 AD when Saint Augustine of Hippo characterized his déjà vu-like experience as “falsae memoriae.” The term “déjà vu” popped up again in 1876. French psychic researcher Emile Boirac first used the phrase “le sensation du déjà vu” to describe the sensation. But science didn’t officially join the bandwagon until 20 years later when F.L. Arnaud, a French neurologist, put his stamp on it.

Studies show that about 70% of the population has reported experiencing some form of déjà vu. In other words: you’re completely normal if you’ve had déjà vu moments.

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Think of déjà vu as a skip in a record that plays twice. It feels like an overwhelming sense of familiarity with someone, something or someplace that shouldn’t be familiar. It’s as though every detail is on repeat. And it doesn’t have to be something you physically see either. Déjà vu can be triggered by any of the five senses. Ever catch a whiff of perfume that smells so familiar? Or hear a stranger’s voice that you’re sure you know?

You swear you’ve been there, touched that, talked to – well, you get the idea. Your head tells you that’s not possible. But something deep inside says, “yeah, this has happened before.” Déjà vu usually lasts only a handful of seconds and can range in intensity. The one common “ingredient” of this phenomenon? Familiarity.

Meaning of déjà vu

Déjà vu is a gift. A glorious glimpse into your inner being. A snapshot of your soul. A conscious shift from one plane to another parallel reality. And the Angels can use déjà vu as a gateway to communicate directly with you.

So what message are the Angels trying to tell you with déjà vu?

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1. You need to pay attention.

When you experience déjà vu, don’t dismiss it as coincidence. Instead, stop and be present in the moment. Something important is happening. The Angels use this sensation to draw your attention to details in your life that need consideration right here and now. Are you taking a wrong turn? Neglecting or pushing something aside that you shouldn’t? Is there a lesson to be learned? The Angels may be giving you clues as to how to handle obstacles or challenges in your present situation.

Do you need to bring someone into your life…or is there someone you need to let loose from your story? The Angels may be sending you a message to help in your emotional healing – that is, if you’re able to tune into the experience. Quiet your mind, close your eyes and ask the Angels:

Angels please help me find clarity so I can clearly see your message before for me.

Help guide me to my highest good so I follow along my true course.

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2. You’re on the right path in life.

The Angels enjoy sending little love notes to let you know that you’re on target in your journey. You’re in the right place at the right time surrounded by all the right people. Pretty cool, huh?

Now imagine your life as a GPS system. You’re driving along, happily guided on your route with identifying markers such as street signs and landmarks to let you know you’re on track.

Each déjà vu moment you experience acts as a signpost from the Angels. They mark lessons we’re slated to learn, people we’re supposed to meet, etc. Each signpost that pops up in your life is like a small wave from our favorite winged messengers telling us that we’re perfectly on path.

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3. The Angels have got your back.

With our day-to-day hustle going on, it’s easy to get lost in the to-dos. Déjà vu is like a little poke, a heavenly “text message” that says, “hey, don’t forget – we’re right here with you!” When you experience déjà vu, take a moment and thank your Angels for checking in and letting you know they’re by your side for the entire ride.

Never experienced déjà vu?

No worries. The Angels have many different ways to communicate with us. People are individuals and the Angels are well aware of this. One person may be open to receiving a message one way, another may not. The Angels will use whatever channel will be most well received. After all, the point is for the message to be heard. It doesn’t matter how it’s delivered. Rest assured, your Angels will always find a way to communicate with you. Just be mindful and welcoming with any Angel message…no matter how it’s sent

Have you ever experienced déjà vu? Leave a note in the comments and share your story!

With love and light,



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