10 Unknown and Surprising Ways Archangel Michael Can Help You


When we think of Archangel Michael, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Protection, right? And that’s absolutely true – Michael is the go-to when it comes to keeping us safe. 

But there's more to Archangel Michael than that. While protection is definitely Michael's forte, there's so much more to this Archangel than just being our Divine bodyguard. 

Check out these 10 unexpected – and surprising! – ways Michael supports us.

1. Boosting your tech savvy

Having trouble with your computer? Software giving you a headache? Archangel Michael has a knack for helping with technology-related issues.

Some report having sudden aha moments or unexpected solutions popping into their minds after asking for Michael's help. Next time you're facing a digital dilemma, give Michael a shout – you might be surprised at how quickly things start working smoothly again.

2. Enhancing your public speaking skills

Got a big presentation coming up? Nervous about speaking in front of a crowd? Archangel Michael's got your back. While he's known for his courage in battle, Michael is also a master at giving you courage when it comes to speaking to others. He can help boost your confidence, clarify your thoughts – even assist in projecting your voice more effectively.

Try this: Before your next presentation, take a moment to connect with Michael. Visualize his energy surrounding you, filling you with confidence and eloquence. You might find yourself speaking with unexpected clarity and charisma.

3. Igniting your creative spark

Fun fact: Archangel Michael isn't just about protection and strength – he's also a fantastic muse for all kinds of creative endeavors! If you're feeling stuck or in a creative rut, Michael can help get that inspiration flowing again. 

His energy is all about breaking through barriers and limitations, which is exactly what you need when facing creative blocks. Try keeping a small blue crystal (Michael's color) near your workspace, or simply ask Michael to guide you towards fresh ideas. Blue kyanite, sodalite, lapis lazuli and blue flash labradorite are all great crystal choices. You might be amazed at the creative breakthroughs that follow!

4. Assisting with dream recall and interpretation

Ever wake up knowing you had an amazing dream, but can't quite remember the details? Or perhaps you remember your dreams but struggle to understand their meaning? Archangel Michael can be a powerful helper.

Before going to bed, ask Michael to help you remember your dreams and understand their significance. You might find your dream recall improving dramatically, and the meanings becoming clearer. Some people even report Michael appearing in their dreams, offering guidance or insights.

5. Increasing your intuition in decision-making

We all face tough decisions sometimes, and while Michael is known for guidance, his role in enhancing intuition is often overlooked. If you're at a crossroads and unsure which path to take, Michael can help amplify your inner wisdom.

Try this: When facing a decision, close your eyes and imagine Michael's blue light surrounding you. Ask him to help clarify your intuition. You might suddenly feel a strong gut feeling or receive a clear mental image guiding you towards the right choice. 

6. Cleansing your living space

Did you know that Archangel Michael is a pro at home improvement? Not in the hammer-and-nails sense, but in terms of energy cleansing and revitalization. If your living space feels stagnant or you're moving into a new home, call on Michael to give it an energetic makeover.

Visualize Michael's blue light filling each room, sweeping away any lingering negative energies and filling the space with positive vibes. Many people feel an immediate shift – rooms feel lighter, brighter and more welcoming.

7. Enhancing your health

While Archangel Raphael is typically associated with healing, Michael has his own unique way of helping with our physical health. His energy is all about strength, courage and action – qualities that can have a profound impact on your physical well-being.

If you're feeling sluggish or low on energy, try asking for Michael's assistance during your workout or daily activities. Imagine his vibrant blue energy flowing through your body, energizing you from head to toe, from the inside out. Some say they feel more motivated or stronger when they incorporate Michael's energy into their fitness routines.

8. Navigating career transitions

Thinking about a career change but feeling uncertain? Archangel Michael can be a fantastic career coach! The courage and clarity he brings can be immensely helpful when you're contemplating career shifts or facing challenges in your work life.

Ask Michael to guide you towards opportunities that align with your true purpose. Unexpected doors may seemingly open for you. Or you may gain sudden clarity about your professional path.

9. Enhancing your empathic abilities

For all you empaths out there, Archangel Michael can be a game-changer. While his protective qualities are well-known, fewer people are aware of his ability to help refine and enhance empathic gifts.

If you often find yourself overwhelmed by others' emotions or struggle to distinguish between your feelings and those of others, Michael can help. Call on him to create a protective shield that allows you to remain open to your empathic abilities while filtering out unnecessary or harmful energies.

10. Amplifying manifestations

While many Angels can assist with bringing your dreams and wishes into reality, Michael has a unique approach. His energy of action and courage can help you move past fears and doubts that might be blocking your manifestation efforts.

When working on manifesting your goals, invite Michael to join your efforts. Visualize him cutting away any limiting beliefs or fears with his sword of truth. Many people find that with Michael's assistance, they not only manifest more quickly but also gain the courage to take inspired action towards their dreams.

Working with Archangel Michael

From tech troubles to creative blocks, from empathic overload to manifestation hurdles, there are lot of unexpected ways Michael can help you in your day-to-day.

Remember, working with Angels is all about building a relationship. Don't be afraid to reach out to Michael for help. He's here to assist in all aspects of your life, no matter how big or small.

Try incorporating some of these ideas into your spiritual practice and see what happens. You might be amazed at the unexpected ways Michael shows up to lend a hand. And who knows? You might discover even more unique ways this powerful archangel can enhance your daily life.

Has Archangel Michael helped you in your life? Let me know in the comments below.

With love and light,



9 Signs Archangel Chamuel Is Visiting You


The Lion's Gate Portal: Angelic Guidance for Magical Manifesting