The Lion's Gate Portal: Angelic Guidance for Magical Manifesting


Feeling a surge of energy in the air? Well, you're not imagining things! We're currently in one of the most exciting periods in the spiritual calendar: the Lion's Gate Portal. From July 26th to August 12th, the celestial gates swing wide open, offering us a chance to supercharge our manifestation powers and connect with the Angelic realm like never before.

What’s the Lion's Gate Portal?

The Lion's Gate Portal happens when Sirius, the brightest star in our night sky, aligns with Earth and the Sun in Leo. This cosmic alignment creates a powerful flow of energy, opening a portal between the physical and spiritual realms. The ancient Egyptians recognized the significance of this event, linking Sirius to the goddess Isis and associating it with renewal and spiritual growth.

This alignment reaches its peak on August 8th (8/8), a date that carries extra significance. Now, if you're into numerology, you know that 8 is all about infinity and abundance. But that’s not all – 2024 is an 8 year in numerology (2+0+2+4=8). That makes this August 8th an 8/8/8 day. It's like the universe is giving us a triple scoop of manifesting magic!

Why’s it important?

During the Lion's Gate Portal, our planet experiences an influx of powerful energy. This energy is believed to originate from the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Many spiritual practitioners and energy workers describe this as a high-frequency or high-vibration energy.

This energy is often referred to as containing "light codes." While not literal codes of light, this term is used metaphorically to describe packets of spiritual information or wisdom. These "codes" are thought to carry Divine guidance and inspiration. And the best part? Anyone can tap into this powerful energy!

It’s thought that this energy can help us:

  • Magnify our manifestation abilities

  • Level up our spiritual growth 

  • Break free from old patterns 

  • Get super clear on our soul's journey

Angelic support to amplify Lion's Gate energy 

Our Angels are always eager to help, but during the Lion's Gate Portal, their guidance can be especially powerful. Here's what you can do to make the most of this time:

  1. Set clear intentions: Get crystal clear on what you want to manifest – like, you “can see it” clear. Your Angels are listening, ready to help bring your dreams to life.

  2. Practice gratitude: Start and end each day with a moment of gratitude. This aligns you with the high vibrational frequency of abundance, making you even more receptive to Angelic guidance.

  3. Connect with nature: Nature is like a megaphone for Angelic messages. Take a stroll, do some gardening, chill in the park –whatever you enjoy! Again, this helps raise your vibration to connect and receive guidance from your Angels.

  4. Have a chat with your Angels: Grab a journal and ask your Angels for guidance. Then just let the pen flow. Write down any thoughts, ideas or intuitive hits you receive – you might be surprised at what comes through!

Working with Archangel Uriel and Metatron

During this special time, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Metatron can double as your personal manifestation coaches. Uriel brings the light of Divine wisdom while Metatron helps you align with your life's purpose. Together, they help take your manifestations next-level.

Here's an affirmation you can use to call on Uriel and Metatron to support you in your manifesting:

"Uriel's light is lighting my way, and Metatron's wisdom is guiding my steps. I'm open to all the amazing energy of the Lion's Gate Portal. I'm in sync with my highest purpose, soaking up Divine inspiration, and ready to make my dreams a reality. My intentions are crystal clear, my vibes are high, and I'm ready for all the awesome things coming my way. I'm so grateful for all the blessings headed my direction. And so it is! Thank you."

Carrying the energy forward

When the portal closes, don't worry – the energy doesn't just vanish! Keep that Angelic connection strong by:

  • Regularly checking in with your Angels

  • Staying open to signs and synchronicities

  • Trusting in Divine timing – some manifestations may take longer to unfold…and that's okay!

Remember, while the Lion's Gate Portal is a truly powerful time, your Angels are always there for you. Today, tomorrow, next week – you name it!

So, are you ready to step through that Lion's Gate? Trust yourself, trust the process and trust your Angels. You've got this!

Who’s going to give this a try? Let me know in the comments below.

With love and light,



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