The Secret Meaning of Finding Coins


I’m a penny picker upper. While some folks will walk right past, I’m the person that picks them up. Every. Single. One.

My view: it’s a penny more than I had before. And if the universe wants to bless me with coins on my path…well, I’m gonna appreciate it.

But these coins are more than just coin-cidence. They can be a message from your Angels.

Here’s the Angelic meaning of finding “Angel coins” – and what to do when they come across your path.

So, why coins? 

First, there’s the obvious. They’re shiny. And that makes them more noticeable, especially when they catch the sunlight. Normally they have a rightful home – typically in wallets or purses. So when you spot them on sidewalks or in parking lots, you take notice (and that makes it wayyy easier for Angels when they want to send you a message.)

Additionally, coins have been considered lucky in many cultures throughout history. And the Angels will happily tap into legacy association to communicate with you in the here and now. 

When Angels send you coins, they're often trying to get your attention. It's like they're saying, "Hey, we've got something to tell you!" The coin is meant to make you pause, take notice and reflect on what's going on in your life at that moment.

General meanings

Like most things, the meaning can vary depending on your personal circumstances. Here are some common, high-level interpretations:

  1. A sign of support: Finding coins is a way for your Angels to let you know they've got your back. It's like an Angelic pat on the shoulder, reminding you that you're not alone.

  2. Financial reassurance: Coins are money, after all! Finding coins could be a sign that financial help is on the way or to trust that your financial needs will be met.

  3. Validation: If you've been asking for a sign about a decision or a path in your life, finding a coin could be your Angels' way of saying, "Yes, you're on the right track!"

  4. A reminder to trust: Finding a coin could be a gentle nudge to have faith and trust in a higher power or in the universe.

  5. You’re loved and valued: Just as coins hold monetary value, this little discovery is a reminder of your own worth. It's as if the Angels are saying, "Just like this coin, you are precious and valuable." Your Angels are reminding you that you’re deeply loved and your presence in this world matters.

  6. Pay attention: Sometimes, finding a coin is just a way to get you to stop and be present in the moment. It's a reminder to slow down and notice the world around you.

One note: you know the phrase, “pennies from heaven.” It's worth mentioning that finding coins can also be a sign or message from a loved one who has passed.

Meaning behind specific coins


The number 1 on these coins symbolizes fresh starts, progress and potential success. When you find a penny, it might be a gentle reminder to stay positive and appreciate the small things in life. Focus on your aspirations. Your Angels are nudging you to release fears and embrace the possibilities ahead.


Nickels are linked to the energies of Angel number five, which is associated with notions of freedom, adventure and spiritual growth. It symbolizes that life changes are on their way and to keep the faith that all will work out. Most of all, it serves as a reminder to be open to opportunity, especially ones that could lead to significant spiritual growth.


Finding a dime is a validation that you're on the right path and receiving guidance from above. It's like a little nod from the Angels saying, "Trust your gut!" When you spot a dime, it could be a call to pay attention to your intuition, especially regarding life changes.


Get ready for an upgrade in your life, especially a financial boost. This may manifest as a promotion, inheritance or payout of some kind

What to do after finding a coin

So, you've found a coin – awesome! Here’s what to do next:

  1. Take a moment: Pause and reflect on what you were thinking about when you found the coin. Was there something significant on your mind?

  2. Express gratitude: Remember gratitude attracts more gratitude!

  3. Keep it or pay it forward: Some people like to keep "Angel coins" as reminders of the message they received. Others prefer to pass on the good fortune by leaving the coin for someone else to find or donating it.

  4. Look for patterns: If you start finding coins regularly, pay attention to when and where it happens. You might notice some interesting patterns emerging.

There's something undeniably special about finding a coin. It's a moment of surprise, a tiny spark of joy in your day. The next time you spot a coin, take a second to appreciate the moment. Your Angels may be sending a hello your way.

Now, I'm curious – have you ever found a coin in an unexpected place? Let me know in the comments below.

With love and light,



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