Can Loved Ones Become Guardian Angels After They Die?
You can feel your loved ones around you even though they’ve crossed over. You may sense their presence. Been visited by them in your dreams. Or received signs or messages from them. You know they’re looking out for you.
Are Loved Ones Your Guardian Angels?
Yes...and no.
Guardian Angels (and all Angels!) are the purest Divine sources of light and love. And they’ve never been human. They walk with us through life to provide support, guidance, protection and, of course, love.
So, your deceased loved ones cannot become your Guardian Angel simply because they were human.
They can become your Spirit Guide.
What are Spirit Guides?
Spirit Guides have lived here on earth as humans. They can be the spirit of a deceased person, an Ascended Master or elemental energy.
They are souls who have attained a pivotal point in their spiritual evolution. And they sign up to serve as guides to help expand the consciousness of other souls (us humans!).
Because they’ve been incarnated as humans, Spirit Guides are capable of understanding the human experience in ways that are very different from our Angels. But like the Angels, they’re non-judgmental, compassionate, loving and completely supportive. And they cannot intervene in our lives unless we ask (remember free will?).
So in the metaphorical sense, your loved ones – as Spirit Guides – are like Guardian Angels. They’re always looking out for you, guiding you, loving on you. And they can become your Spirit Guide at any point in your life.
Can you have more than 1 Spirit Guide?
Like your Guardian Angels, you have multiple Spirit Guides helping you on this life journey. Some will stay with you through the course of your life. Others will come and go as you need assistance.
Many Spirit Guides have specialties to help you grow in different areas of your life. For example, some may focus on a specific area, such as health and healing, career, self-esteem – you get the idea.
Can loved ones become your Spirit Guide even though you never met them?
Yes, a loved one who crossed over before you were born can certainly become your Spirit Guide. Knowing them while they are alive is not a prerequisite.
So your great great grandfather or grandmother can become your Spirit Guide and lovingly help and support you through life. In a way, you could say you’re getting to know them in “spirit form” though you never had the opportunity to meet during their lifetime.
I want my deceased loved one to be my Spirit Guide – why haven’t they?
There are several reasons why a loved one may not sign on to be your Spirit Guide.
Their soul story is taking them in a different direction. We all have a unique spiritual path. One that is keenly focused on soul growth and enlightenment. It may be that they have more “to-dos” to get done first in their personal journey.
They may not be the best “candidate” for the job. Spirit Guides are here to do just that: to guide you. If your loved ones don’t feel that they can help you on your own personal spiritual journey, they’ll step aside and let other souls come forward to fill the role.
The timing may not be right. Just because they are not your Spirit Guide now doesn’t mean they never will be. They may be waiting for the perfect moment to join your Spirit Guide team. Remember Divine timing?
Please note: loved ones can still visit you and send signs and messages even if they are not your Spirit Guides.
However, there is an exception to the Guardian Angel rule.
And here it is: humans cannot become Angels. But Angels can take human form. Meaning that Angels can walk among humans. They remain Angels – but now they have a “human” gift wrapping. Remember Dudley from The Bishop’s Wife? It’s kind of like that. Please note: there are many variations of how this may manifest itself in the earthly world.
Why would Angels appear as humans? If there was a Divine reason why. They may have been sent with a special mission in mind. And to be successful in reaching that goal, they needed to take human form.
Have you ever met someone who was so joyful, giving, uplifting, supportive? Someone who emanated endless light and love? It could be that they were always an Angel, sent here to be a giver of loving kindness to everyone he or she comes into contact with.
Kind of makes you feel all warm and happy inside, right?
Have you had any experiences with your Spirit Guides? Let me know in the comments.
Want to know which Archangel is visiting you right now? Take the Archangel Quiz and find out which Angel is around you…and why!
With love and light,