6 Signs You Are an Earth Angel
Have you ever met someone that seemed to have a glow about them? Their soul was so magnetic that people were naturally drawn to them. They were so full of light and love and everything good.
They could have been an Earth Angel.
Earth Angels are highly sensitive, empathic, loving beings. They are born “givers” and feel a strong calling to help and be of service to others. Very simply: they come into this world with a soul purpose to shine oh-so brightly and make a difference.
Earth Angels are not actual Angels, at least in the Divine sense. But they do share many of the same characteristics as our celestial BFFs. Like celestial Angels, Earth Angels are sources of hope, inspiration, help and healing. They can see the good in those around us. And they spread positive vibes like confetti. Bursting with optimism, they see life through a shiny, happy lens. Sometimes, they are also called spirit guides, healers and lightworkers.
Think you may be an Earth Angel?
6 Signs You May Have an Angelic Soul
1. You’re highly sensitive
Earth Angels have a low threshold and tolerance for negative energies, such as violence, pain and hate. Watching the news or certain types of movies and TV can instantly bring down their vibe if they’re not careful. “Can’t we all just get along?” is a personal mantra of many Earth Angels.
Large crowds. Loud noises. That’s a big no for Earth Angels. These types of environments are often overwhelming and can zap their energy, leaving them feeling frazzled, drained and completely wiped out.
That’s why Earth Angels tend to tuck themselves away in the solace of their home and shield themselves from the rushed, overstimulating outside world.
2. You LOVE alone time
In fact, alone time is a must for Earth Angels. They know that to change the world they need to continuously recharge themselves. Quiet solitude is replenishing and healing...and should be part of any Earth Angel’s daily diet. It helps nourish the soul and rebalance their energies, making sure their “batteries” are all set and ready to go.
3. You care about others…A LOT
Earth Angels often feel a deep calling to help others. In fact, they don’t know any other way of being. They know what “hurt” feels like. And if they can spare others from feeling the same thing...well, they’ll do their darndest.
Need help? Need someone to talk to? Earth Angels will drop anything in an instant to help someone in need.
4. You’re pulled to a purpose
Follow the status quo? Nope. Earth Angels tend to march to their own beat. They don’t follow traditional paths or ways of thinking simply because they’re told to do so. They ask questions and dig deep to find their own truth. And they don’t blindly follow what society has been conditioned to accept.
As such, many Earth Angels don’t walk down the same path as everyone else. They do things their way. They make and live by their own rules. Working in the corporate world? Earth Angels may find it too restrictive, structured and soul sucking.
Earth Angels are often drawn to humanitarian jobs, such as a counselor, acupuncturist or massage therapist. In a way, they view themselves as healers, and seek a higher calling that fuels their passions.
5. Powerful intuition you have
Earth Angels routinely tap into their emotions and intuition when assessing situations or making life choices. Earth Angels trust their inner voice – that knowing “nudge” – to guide them.
They’re masters at reading and deciphering messages from the Divine realm, and regularly solicit its help when making decisions or needing assistance. They also have an innate belief that the Angels and Universe will deliver exactly what they need at exactly the right time to live their best possible life. As such, they have a strong spiritual side.
6. You feel out of step with the modern world
Earth Angels feel this disconnect. With the world. The people around them. And the ideals they share. It’s as though they can’t exactly tune into the radio frequency of the modern world. They often ask questions on a much deeper plane, like “why am I here?”. Earth Angels often feel like old souls who can see beyond the veil of materialism and understand that we’re here for a higher, more enlightened purpose.
Despite this, Earth Angels recognize the interconnectedness of all things, of all beings. And they strive to help others see and appreciate this delicate interdependency.
And speaking of interconnectedness, their connection to nature is super important to them. The land. The animals. The trees. The air. You get the idea. When an Earth Angel feels out of sync, they’ll retreat back to the earth to reconnect and recalibrate.
Did you resonate with any of these signs? Then you very well may be an Earth Angel! Let me know in the comments how many signs you checked off.
With love and light,