Make Decisions with the Angels & the Push/Pull Method
We’ve all been there. A big decision before us. And feeling all torn up about which path to take.
Options are weighed. A decision is made. Aaannnddd then self-doubt kicks into gear. Am I making a good choice? Is the time right...or should I wait? What will others think?
All this overthinking leads to analysis paralysis. Or, more simply: crazy confusion.
You may even be wondering: is this my intuitive hunch guiding me...or my inner critic?
The struggle is real. How do you decide which way to go? First, you need to figure out what’s talking to you.
Is it fear or intuition?
It can be challenging to figure out if it’s fear or intuition that’s leading your decision making. In fact, fear and intuition can easily be confused, since both of them are centered on gut feelings.
So how do you tell fear and intuition apart?
There are several ways to determine if it’s intuition or fear ruling you.
Intuition is all about the here and now. It’s not wrapped up in what occurred in the past or what might occur in the future. In comparison, fear is overwhelmingly consumed by what did happen or what could happen. Ever play out in your head all the worst scenarios that could come to pass? That’s fear at work. Fear causes you to create “stories” about events that haven’t even happened yet – sometimes skipping ahead 20 steps into the future.
Your intuition is activated when you’re relaxed and calm. Ever get a great idea or solution to a problem while taking a shower or walking the dog? That’s intuition at work. Chances are you were in a more relaxed state – the perfect environment for your intuition to come shining through. Compare that to fear, which typically rears its head when you’re tense, tired or stressed. So on the “emotions scale”, intuition comes in at a more neutral level, whereas fear is heavily emotion-driven.
The Push/Pull Method for Making Decisions
Ed Sheeran had the right idea when he sang “we push and pull like a magnet do” in “Shape of You.”
That’s because we can rely on our bodies in our decision-making process. You see, each of us has an innate natural knowing. And our bodies never, ever mislead us.
I call this the push/pull method – and it’s one I regularly turn to when I need to make an important decision.
Before beginning, call on your Guardian Angels or Archangel Uriel to guide you. Archangel Uriel is known as a great helper for decision making in the celestial world. Ask your Angel:
“Please send me clarity and reveal the best path that would serve my highest good. Thank you.”
Now tune into your physical body to give you clues as to what choice to make.
Ask yourself: do I feel a push or pull?
Consider all your choices. Does one feel more like a gentle push or nudge? Do you feel a notion of expansiveness, lightness, openness...perhaps a slight note of excitement? You may sense a feeling of movement, as though things are moving forward. Your shoulders and chest may even open up. This is your intuition’s way of saying, “you got this – go for it!” You may also detect a hint of caution. Don’t worry – that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Or do you feel like you’re being pulled back? Is there an instant feeling of dread and restrictiveness that weighs you down? Your shoulders may roll in. Your posture may even shrink and become more contracted. You may feel as though you have a pit in your stomach. (Many times, I get nauseated). That’s your intuition saying, “no thanks!”
Go back and forth between your choices. See if you can detect a subtle shift in how you feel. You may notice that your body gives you even more physical clues. For example, your body may lean forward or back to reveal a good or not-so-good choice. Your face may light up or go deadpan when thinking about your options. Your breath may even change, going from easy and flowing to labored and heavy.
Your answer is in there. But you need to tap in and sift through your physical signs to find it. And again, those signs can be subtle – so listen and observe closely.
The more you practice, the better you’ll get at tuning into your intuition and your body’s natural signals. How did this method work for you? What other methods do you use to make decisions? Let me know in the comments.
With love and light,