Can You Call on the Wrong Archangel for Help?


You want to call on an Archangel for help or support with a challenge, a concern or something that’s weighing on your heart. Problem is: how do you know which one to call on? And if you choose the wrong one, what happens? 

While Archangels specialize in different aspects of life, there’s some overlapping that can happen. So it’s understandable that, at times, it can be confusing – or overwhelming – to choose which one to work with. 

But here's the good news: you can't call on the wrong Archangel. Really! And I’ll explain why.

Understanding Archangels and their roles

First, let's take a quick look at a handful of some of the most called on Archangels:

  • Archangel Michael: Michael is the resident protector. He offers courage, strength and protection, particularly during times of fear or danger.

  • Archangel Raphael: Known as the healer in the bunch, Raphael provides physical, emotional and spiritual support and comfort. He's also the patron of travelers.

  • Archangel Gabriel: Gabriel helps with communication, creativity and inspiration. Gabriel is also associated with helping parents and children.

  • Archangel Uriel: Uriel is the Angel of wisdom and illumination. He offers insight, clarity of thought and helps resolve conflicts.

  • Archangel Chamuel: Chamuel is the Angel of love and peaceful relationships. He helps heal emotional wounds and strengthens connections with others.

While each of the above Archangels have their own special areas of expertise, it’s also easy to see how there could be some overlap. For example, Chamuel helps heal emotional wounds (especially when it comes to relationships), but Raphael is also known for helping calm our emotions, too. So how do you choose?

Here’s the deal: when you reach out, the appropriate Archangel will always, always step forward to assist you, ensuring you receive the help you need.

The beauty of calling on Archangels

One of the most comforting aspects of working with Archangels is their deep desire to help us, no matter how we call on them. Archangels operate on a different spiritual plane than we do, and their understanding and compassion are boundless. When you call out for help, your intention is what truly matters.

Imagine you're feeling anxious and unsure who to call upon. You might call out to Archangel Michael because you know he's the protector. However, your emotions might actually stem from a need for healing or clarity rather than protection. In this case, even if you called for Michael, Archangel Raphael might step forward to provide the healing you need, or Archangel Uriel might offer wisdom to help ease your anxiety.

Your intention is key

When you reach out to the Archangels, it’s your intention and need that guide the process. The Archangels are highly attuned to our emotions and intentions. They know what we need – even if we’re not sure ourselves. So, if you call on Archangel Michael but really need the healing touch of Raphael, or the insightful guidance of Uriel, they will absolutely step forward to assist you.

Practical steps for calling on Archangels

Here are some simple steps you can follow when calling on the Archangels for help and support:

  1. Set a clear intention: Before calling on an Archangel, take a moment to set a clear intention. Think about what you need help with. Is it protection, healing, wisdom…something else? This helps focus your energy and makes your request clearer.

  2. Speak or think your request: You might say, "Archangel Michael, please protect me" or "Archangel Raphael, please soothe the parts of me that are hurting."

  3. Trust and let go: Once you've made your request, trust that the right Archangel will step forward. Release any worry or doubt. The Archangels know what you need and will respond accordingly.

  4. Be open to guidance: Pay attention to any signs, feelings or thoughts that come to you after your request. Archangels often communicate through subtle means such as signs, symbols, synchronicities or Angel numbers.

My personal experience

Years back, I was having challenges with a coworker. Let’s just say this person was not a ray of sunshine in the office. I called on Archangel Gabriel for help in finding a way to better communicate with this individual. Instead, Archangel Michael stepped forward as if to say, “Nah, girl – we need to get some protective boundaries in place for this one.” And you know what? It was exactly what I needed at that point in time.

It really does happen this seamlessly. Trust in knowing that when you ask for help or support it will find you. And don’t worry so much about “who” is delivering it.

Anyone else have a similar experience? Let me know in the comments below.

With love and light,



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